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How to configure a DayZ server

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DayZ is a survival game that allows players to experience unique adventures in a post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies and other survivors. The gameplay becomes even more exciting when you rent your own dedicated server, giving you the ability to customize a wide range of settings to suit your needs! In this guide, we’ll focus on adjusting the basic server settings available in the Startup and the main configuration file.

Adjust basic server parameters

Go to the “Startup” tab in the control panel. Here you will find basic server parameters such as:

Server Auto-UpdateOption allowing automatic server update after restart.
Server NameServer name visible on the community list.
Max PlayersMaximum number of people who will be able to join the game at the same time.
Server PasswordIf active, players will be required to enter a password to join the game.
Admin PasswordPassword enabling execution of administrator commands.
DayZ Server Variables

Go to the main configuration file

The server variables you find in “Startup” are just a small part of the options you can edit on your server. The rest of them are in the main configuration file serverDZ.cfg.

In this file you can configure the most important elements of the server, for example:

description // Description of the server that will be displayed in the search engine.

enableWhitelist // Option to enable/disable whitelist.

lightingConfig // Adjusting the light during the night.

serverTime // Initial in-game time of the server.

serverTimeAcceleration // The speed of time passing during the day.

serverNightTimeAcceleration // The speed of time passing during the night.

template // Server’s map.

To implement the changes, restart the server.

We hope that our intuitive web interface has allowed you to configure DayZ server easily. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Isabela

Support Engineer