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How to install Namalsk map on a DayZ server

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The DayZ player community has created a variety of maps that offer players entirely new experiences in the post-apocalyptic world of the game. The most popular among them is Namalsk, a winter landscape filled with mysteries and extreme conditions. In this guide, we’ll explain how to install the Namalsk map on your DayZ server in a few simple steps.

How to install Namalsk map

1. Access server files and edit maim configuration file – serverDZ.cfg.

2. Go to the end of the file and find “template“. Depending on the difficulty level you choose for the Namalsk map, the “template” section will look like this:




3. Navigate “Workshop” tab. Find and install these modifications:

  • CF
  • Namalsk Survival
  • Namalsk Island

Tip: Sometimes there is a problem downloading Namalsk Survival via the Steam Workshop automatic installer. If the error occurs, your server will not start. To resolve the error, go to the “Mods” section in the game server panel and download Namalsk Survival from our repository.

4. Visit GitHub:

5. In the Mission Files you will find the regular.namalsk and hardcore.namalsk folders. Depending on which version you have chosen, upload one of them to the mpmissions folder which you will find in the server files (we recommend using SFTP).

6. Restart DayZ server.

We hope that our intuitive web interface has allowed you to configure DayZ server easily. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Isabela

Support Engineer