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How to use SFTP to manage game server files

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SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is used to transfer files between computers using an encrypted connection. It allows users to perform various operations on their game server files. Thanks to encryption and data integrity, it is a secure and reliable way to transfer data. In this guide, you will learn how to manage your game server files using the SFTP protocol.

How to use SFTP

To use the SFTP protocol, you must log in to your customer account on our control panel. Here you will find the data needed to log in to the server. After connection to SFTP server you can freely manage you file directly from your PC.

Install FTP client software

You can install your favorite FTP client on your computer, this will be required for future steps. These are most popular free FTP clients for Windows:

  • FileZilla,
  • WinSCP,
  • Core FTP,
  • CyberDuck

Download and install one of mentioned FTP client on your PC to proceed.

Get your login details

Once you are in our game server panel, select “Settings” tab. Here, you should find “SFTP DETAILS”, including server address and username.

Remember that your password in the SFTP client (WinSCP, FileZilla etc.) is the same as the password you use to log in to the control panel.

Log in to the server by SFTP client

Run your favorite SFTP client, in this example we will use FileZilla.

You will see a main screen, in which you need to type your server connection data:

  1. Type your server hostname – you will find it under server settings, check previous point.
  2. Type your username – SFTP username for this particular server can be found in server settings, like previous point.
  3. Type your control panel password – our SFTP authentication is based on password that you setup for control panel.
  4. Type a port for server – this can be find under server settings.

Finally hit the ‘Quick connect’ button and connect to SFTP server.

Manage files on game server by SFTP

Right now, after successful connection, you can manage game server files on your SFTP client. There are many operations that you can do, we will describe only a basic one.

Download a folder or file

To download a file or folder from remote site to local drive, select files that you want to download, open menu by right-click, and select ‘Download’ from context menu.

In the down section of FileZilla window, you will see a query for downloading files.

Edit or view a file

From remote site list, you can just select a file/folder that you want to edit or view the contest, and from right-click button menu you can select “View/Edit”.

FileZilla will run a file editor if there is association, or ask about program association for opening this files. We highly recommend to edit only a simple text file with this method. For most advanced operation, we recommend to copy it to local disk, and upload it again to remote site.

Upload a file or folder

To upload a file from local to remote location, select a file that you want to send from left side of window, and select a remote side to which you want to upload a selected file/folder:

FileZilla will add this file/folder to upload queue and send it to remote site.

Delete a file or folder

To delete a file from remote location, select a file, and click in right-button menu to “Delete”.

Renaming a file or folder

To rename a file in remote location, select a file for renaming, and click in right-button menu to “Rename”.

Type a new file name and confirm by “Enter”.

We hope that our intuitive guide has allowed you to manage your server files easily. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Isabela

Support Engineer