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Work Traits: Best Pals to work in your base

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In this article we will focus on all the types of work that Pals can do. Additionally, we’ll list the Pals with the highest levels of these skills to help you select the most experienced employees!

In the world of Palworld, there are over 12 different traits that Pals can have:

  • Cooling – Pals gifted with this ability will provide cooling to various buildings
  • Generating Electricity – Pals gifted with this ability will produce electricity
  • Farming – Pals with this skill will produce items on the ranch
  • Gathering – Pals with this ability will harvest plants
  • Handiwork – Pals with this skill will craft items at crafting stations
  • Kindling – Pals with this ability will use fire to provide heat to various buildings
  • Lumbering – Pals gifted with this ability will cut down trees
  • Medicine Production – Pals gifted with this ability will produce medicines on the medicine bench
  • Mining – Pals gifted with this ability will mine coal, sulfur, stone and ore
  • Planting – Pals gifted with this skill will plant seeds in your plantations
  • Transporting – Pals with this ability will transport items to the warehouse
  • Watering – Pals gifted with this skill will water the plantation


  • Element: Ice
  • Work Suitability: Cooling Lv4
  • Paldeck Number: 110
  • Element: Ice
  • Work Suitability: Cooling Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Handiwork Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 083
Kingpaca Cryst
  • Element: Ice
  • Work Suitability: Cooling Lv3, Gathering Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 089B
Reptyro Cryst
  • Element: Ice/Ground
  • Work Suitability: Cooling Lv3, Mining Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 088B

Generating Electricity

  • Element: Electric
  • Work Suitability: Generating Electricity Lv4, Transporting Lv3, Handiwork Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 106
  • Element: Electric
  • Work Suitability: Generating Electricity Lv3, Transporting Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Handiwork Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 103
Relaxaurus Lux
  • Element: Electric/Dragon
  • Work Suitability: Generating Electricity Lv3, Transporting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 085B
Mossanda Lux
  • Element: Electric
  • Work Suitability: Generating Electricity Lv2, Transporting Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Handiwork Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 033B



Lamball is a spherical friend resembling a lamb. When assigned to a ranch, it may drop wool. Once activated, it becomes a shield for the player.

  • Element: Neutral
  • Work Suitability: Farming Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 001

Chikipi is a chicken-like Pal that is definitely at the bottom of the food chain – right next to the famous Lamball. When assigned to the ranch, he will produce eggs.

  • Element: Neutral
  • Work Suitability: Farming Lv1, Gathering Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 003

Beegarde is a bee wearing a black cloak and helmet. When assigned to a ranch, it will produce honey.

  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv2, Farming Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Lumbering Lv1, Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 050

Regardless of gender, Mozzarina will produce huge amounts of milk. It can also be processed into meat.

  • Element: Neutral
  • Work Suitability: Farming Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 029
Mau Cryst

Mau Cryst is a light blue cat with a crystal tail. When assigned to a ranch, he can dig for gold coins.

  • Element: Ice
  • Work Suitability: Cooling Lv1, Farming Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 024B

Caprity is a light green goat-like creature. It grows berries on its back and offers it to its potential partners. When assigned to a ranch, it produces Red Berries.

  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv2, Farming Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 035

Woolipop is definitely the cutest of all Pals! Its body consists of sweet pink wool and shrimp-like horns. When assigned to a ranch, it may drop cotton candy.

  • Element: Neutral
  • Work Suitability: Farming Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 034


Frostallion Noct
  • Element: Dark
  • Work Suitability: Gathering Lv4
  • Paldeck Number: 110B
  • Element: Dragon
  • Work Suitability: Gathering Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 111
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Gathering Lv3, Handiwork Lv3, Transporting Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Planting Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 077
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Gathering Lv2, Medicine Production Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Planting Lv2, Lumbering Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 051
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv4, Handiwork Lv3, Medicine Production Lv3, Gathering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 104
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv3, Gathering Lv2, Medicine Production Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Transporting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 087


  • Element: Ground
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv4, Mining Lv3, Transporting Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 100
  • Element: Neutral
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv3, Gathering Lv1, Transporting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 063
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv4, Handiwork Lv3, Medicine Production Lv3, Gathering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 104
Lyleen Noct
  • Element: Dark
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv3, Medicine Production Lv3, Gathering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 104B
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv3, Gathering Lv3, Planting Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 077
  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv3, Transporting Lv2, Kindling Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 076


Jormuntide Ignis
  • Element: Fire/Dragon
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv4
  • Paldeck Number: 101B
  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Mining Lv4, Kindling Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 096
  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv3, Lumbering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 084
Blazehowl Noct
  • Element: Fire/Dark
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv3, Lumbering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 084B
  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv3, Transporting Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 105
  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv3, Transporting Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 074
  • Element: Fire/Ground
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv3, Mining Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 088
  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 102


  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Lumbering Lv3, Kindling Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Handiwork Lv1, Gathering Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 072
  • Element: Ground/Grass
  • Work Suitability: Lumbering Lv3, Transporting Lv3, Handiwork Lv1, Planting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 092
  • Element: Ice
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv4, Lumbering Lv3, Handiwork Lv2, Cooling Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 091
Wumpo Botan
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv4, Lumbering Lv3, Handiwork Lv2, Planting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 091B

Medicine Production

  • Element: Dark
  • Work Suitability: Medicine Production Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 094
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv4, Handiwork Lv3, Medicine Production Lv3, Gathering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 104
Lyleen Noct
  • Element: Dark
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv3, Medicine Production Lv3, Gathering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 104B
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Medicine Production Lv3, Gathering Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Planting Lv2, Transporting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 078


  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Mining Lv4, Kindling Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 096
  • Element: Dragon/Dark
  • Work Suitability: Mining Lv4, Handiwork Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 098
  • Element: Ground
  • Work Suitability: Mining Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 067
  • Element: Ground/Dark
  • Work Suitability: Mining Lv3, Lumbering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 099
Reptyro Cryst
  • Element: Ice/Ground
  • Work Suitability: Cooling Lv3, Mining Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 088B
  • Element: Ground/Fire
  • Work Suitability: Mining Lv3, Kindling Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 088
  • Element: Ground
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv4, Mining Lv3, Transporting Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 100


  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv4, Handiwork Lv3, Medicine Production Lv3, Gathering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 104
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 086
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Planting Lv3, Medicine Production Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Gathering Lv2, Transporting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 087


  • Element: Ice
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv4, Lumbering Lv3, Handiwork Lv2, Cooling Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 091
Wumpo Botan
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv4, Lumbering Lv3, Handiwork Lv2, Planting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 091B
  • Element: Electric
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv3, Generating Electricity Lv2, Gathering Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 073
  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv3, Transporting Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 105
  • Element: Neutral
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Handiwork Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 049
  • Element: Electric
  • Work Suitability: Generating Electricity Lv3, Transporting Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Handiwork Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 103
  • Element: Dark
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 097
  • Element: Grass
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Planting Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 033
Mossanda Lux
  • Element: Electric
  • Work Suitability: Generating Electricity Lv2, Transporting Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Handiwork Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 033B
  • Element: Electric
  • Work Suitability: Generating Electricity Lv4, Transporting Lv3, Handiwork Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 106
  • Element: Dragon
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv3, Gathering Lv2, Mining Lv2, Handiwork Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 095
  • Element: Fire
  • Work Suitability: Kindling Lv3, Transporting Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 074
  • Element: Fire/Dark
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv3, Kindling Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 071
  • Element: Ground/Grass
  • Work Suitability: Transporting Lv3, Lumbering Lv3, Handiwork Lv1, Planting Lv1
  • Paldeck Number: 092


  • Element: Water/Dragon
  • Work Suitability: Watering Lv4
  • Paldeck Number: 101
  • Element: Water/Dragon
  • Work Suitability: Watering Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 082
Broncherry Aqua
  • Element: Water/Grass
  • Work Suitability: Watering Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 086B
Elphidran Aqua
  • Element: Water/Dragon
  • Work Suitability: Watering Lv3, Lumbering Lv2
  • Paldeck Number: 080B
Suzaku Aqua
  • Element: Water
  • Work Suitability: Watering Lv3
  • Paldeck Number: 102B

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