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How to configure a Palworld server

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Palworld servers are incredibly easy to configure and feature a wide range of variables that allow for modification of all aspects of the game. In this article, we will discuss the server variables of Palworld and explain how to configure them using our intuitive control panel.

How to configure your server

1. Stop your server

Go to the server panel and select your Palworld server. You should be redirected to the “Console” tab – just click on “Stop” button.

2. Go to the “Startup” tab

Here, you can start changing server variables.

Server NameServerNamedefault hostnameName of the server
Max PlayersServerPlayerMaxNum32Maximum number of concurrent players
Admin PasswordAdminPasswordPassword needed to obtain administrator rights on the server
Server PasswordServerPasswordPassword needed to enter the server
Day Time Speed RateDayTimeSpeedRate1.000000Speed at which time passes during the day, which is a multiplier (for example, if you set the value to 3.000000, time will pass three times faster)
Night Time Speed RateNightTimeSpeedRate1.000000Speed at which time passes during the night, which is a multiplier (for example, if you set the value to 3.000000, time will pass three times faster)
Exp RateExpRate1.000000Rate at which players gain experience which is a multiplier (for example, if you set the value to 2.000000, players will gain experience twice as fast as the base setting)
Enable Friendly FirebEnableFriendlyFireFalseOption to enable/disable friendly fire
Enemy Drop Item RateEnemyDropItemRate1.000000How often enemies drop items (this is a multiplier, so an example setting of 3.000000 will triple the chance)
Enable Invader EnemybEnableInvaderEnemyTrueOption to enable/disable invader enemies
Enable Non Login PenaltybEnableNonLoginPenaltyTrueDetermines whether players should receive inactivity penalties
Enable Fast TravelbEnableFastTravelTrueSetting that allows you to enable/disable the ability to use fast travel points
Server DescriptionServerDescriptionShort description of the server displayed in server browser
Pal Capture RatePalCaptureRate1.000000Probability of a player catching Pals (this is a multiplier, so setting the variable to 2.000000 will double the probability)
Pal Spawn RatePalSpawnNumRate1.000000Rate that allows you to set how often new Pals will spawn in the world (for example, if you set it to 2.000000, Pals will spawn twice as often)
Pal Damage Rate AttackPalDamageRateAttack1.000000Option that sets the attack power of Pals (for example, if set to 2.000000, Pals will attack with twice as much power)
Pal Damage Rate DefensePalDamageRateDefense1.000000Option that sets the amount of damage Pals will take (for example, if set to 2.000000, Pals will be twice as resistant to damage)
Pal Stomach Decreace RatePalStomachDecreaceRate1.000000Rate at which Pals lose their hunger saturation (this is a multiplier, so setting it to 2.000000 will cause them to lose their saturation twice as fast)
Pal Stamina Decreace RatePalStaminaDecreaceRate1.000000Rate at which Pals lose their stamina (this is a multiplier, so setting it to 2.000000 will cause them to lose their stamina twice as fast)
Pal Auto HP Regene RatePalAutoHPRegeneRate1.000000HP regeneration speed indicator when Pal is injured (this is a multiplier, so increasing the option to 2.000000 will speed up regeneration twice)
Pal Auto Hp Regene Rate In SleepPalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep1.000000HP regeneration speed indicator when Pal is injured (this is a multiplier, so increasing the option to 2.000000 will speed up regeneration in sleep twice)
Pal Egg Default Hatching TimePalEggDefaultHatchingTime72.000000Determines how many hours it takes for Pal’s eggs to hatch
Work Speed RateWorkSpeedRate1.000000Rate that allows you to set how fast Pals will work (for example, if you set it to 2.000000, Pals will work two times faster)
Player Damage Rate AttackPlayerDamageRateAttack1.000000Option that sets the attack power of Players (for example, if set to 2.000000, Players will attack with twice as much power)
Player Damage Rate DefensePlayerDamageRateDefense1.000000Option that sets the amount of damage Players will take (for example, if set to 2.000000, Players will be twice as resistant to damage)
Player Stomach Decreace RatePlayerStomachDecreaceRate1.000000Rate at which Players lose their hunger saturation (this is a multiplier, so setting it to 2.000000 will cause them to lose their saturation twice as fast)
Player Stamina Decreace RatePlayerStaminaDecreaceRate1.000000Rate at which Players lose their stamina (this is a multiplier, so setting it to 2.000000 will cause them to lose their stamina twice as fast)
Player Auto HP Regene RatePlayerAutoHPRegeneRate1.000000HP regeneration speed indicator when Player is injured (this is a multiplier, so increasing the option to 2.000000 will speed up regeneration twice)
Player Auto Hp Regene Rate In SleepPlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep1.000000HP regeneration speed indicator when Player is injured (this is a multiplier, so increasing the option to 2.000000 will speed up regeneration in sleep twice)
Build Object Damage RateBuildObjectDamageRate1.000000Sets how much damage an object takes when hit (this is a multiplier, so increasing the option to 2.000000 will increase damage twice)
Build Object Deterioration Damage RateBuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate1.000000Sets how much damage an object takes naturally over the time (this is a multiplier, so increasing the option to 2.000000 will increase damage twice)
Collection Drop RateCollectionDropRate1.000000Speed indicator for collecting dropped items (this is a multiplier, so setting it to 2.000000 will double the speed)
Collection Object Hp RateCollectionObjectHpRate1.000000How much HP breakable world items have (this is a multiplier, so setting it to 2.000000 will double this value)
Collection Object Respawn Speed RateCollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate1.000000World item spawn rate (this is a multiplier, so setting it to 2.000000 will double the speed)
Max Base CampsBaseCampMaxNum128The maximum number of base camps that can exist on your server
Max Base Camp WorkersBaseCampWorkerMaxNum15The maximum number of workers who can work in one base camp
Is Start Location Select By MapbIsStartLocationSelectByMapTrueSet whether players will be able to choose their starting location on the map
Drop Item Alive Max HoursDropItemAliveMaxHours1.000000How long dropped items will appear before they disappear
Max Number of Dropped ItemsDropItemMaxNum3000The maximum number of items that can be on the ground on your server at the same time
Max Number of UNKO Dropped ItemsDropItemMaxNum_UNKO100The maximum number of UNKO items that can be on the ground on your server at the same time
Active UNKObActiveUNKOFalseOption to enable/disable UNKO (Unidentified Nocturnal Knock-off) in the game
Auto Reset Guild No Online PlayersbAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayersFalseOption that allows the guild to be automatically disbanded if players are inactive for some time
Auto Reset Guild Time No Online PlayersAutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers72.000000If the automatic guild dissolution option is enabled, specify the time after which this will happen
Guild Player Max NumberGuildPlayerMaxNum20Maximum number of players allowed in single guild
Is PvPbIsPvPFalseOption to enable/disable PvP mode
Can Pickup Other Guild Death Penalty DropbCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDropFalseOption to enable/disable pickup of death penalty drops from other guilds
Exist Player After LogoutbExistPlayerAfterLogoutFalseOption to enable/disable existence of players after logout
Enable Defense Other Guild PlayerbEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayerFalseOption to enable/disable the defense of players in other guilds
Max Coop PlayersCoopPlayerMaxNum4Maximum number of players in party
Death PenaltyDeathPenaltyAllLosses the player will suffer after death (“All” – player lose items, equipment and Pals, “None” – player lose nothing, “Item” – player lose items, “ItemAndEquipment” – player lose items and equipment)
Enable Aim Assist PadbEnableAimAssistPadTrueOption to enable/disable aim pad assist
Enable Aim Assist KeyboardbEnableAimAssistKeyboardFalseOption to enable/disable aim keyboard assist
Palworld server variables

3. Change properties not included in the “Startup” tab

If the changes you have made are not enough for you, the rest of the variables can be found in the configuration file called PalWorldSettings.ini.

Go to the “Files” tab and follow this path to find it: /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini

4. Start your server

Come back to the “Console” tab and click on “Start” button.

We hope that our intuitive web interface has allowed you to manage your Palworld server easily. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Isabela

Support Engineer