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How to connect to a Don’t Starve Together server

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Don’t Starve Together is a captivating survival game meant to be experienced with friends or fellow survivors. In this guide, we’ll explore two straightforward methods to connect to a game server: using the in-game console and the in-game server browser.

In this article you will find:

Get hostname or IP and port from control panel:

1. Login to game panel

Launch a control panel website in your favorite browser and login with your credentials.

2. Locate your server in panel

Follow to your server list in homepage or follow directly to “Servers” tab from sidebar. Select your Don’t Starve Together server from server list. This should follow you to “Console” view, where you can find information about your server.

3. Get hostname from control panel

Hostname of your server should be visible above the console of the server at “Console” view. It’s visible in same place as name and description of the server.

How to connect Don't Starve Together 1

4. Get server IP address and port from control panel

Locate “Address” panel in “Console” view. You found a hostname/IP address and port of your server.

How to connect Don't Starve Together 2

Connecting to a server using the in-game console:

This method allows you to join your server via in-game console using server address. Please refer to previous section of this article to find you server connection data on control panel.

1. Launch the game

Begin by launching Don’t Starve Together on your computer. Make sure that your server and game version is the same.

2. Access the in-game console

Once you’re in the game, press the tilde key (~) on your keyboard. Typically, you can find this key in the upper left corner, just below the escape key (ESC). It will open the in-game console.

3. Connect to the server

With the console open, you can connect to the server by entering the following command:

c_connect("IP", PORT)

Replace “IP” with the server’s IP address and “PORT” with the server’s port number. For example:

c_connect("", 7919)

After entering the command, press the “Enter” key to execute it. This will initiate the connection process to the specified Don’t Starve Together server.

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Connecting to a server using the in-game server browser:

1. Launch the game

Open Don’t Starve Together on your computer. Make sure that your server and game version is the same.

2. Access the in-game server browser

After the game has loaded, you’ll find yourself at the main menu. Click on the “Browse Games” option. This will lead you to the server browser.

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3. Enter your server details

In the upper right corner of the server browser, you can input specific server details such as the server’s name. You can type your server hostname that you found in previous steps.

4. Search for your server

After entering the relevant details, click “Search”. The server browser will scan and display servers that match your search criteria.

5. Join your server

Once your server appears in the list, click on the server tab to select it. Then, click “Join” to initiate the connection process.

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Are you looking for answers to other questions? Use our guides for the Don’t starve Together server:

How to configure a Don’t Starve Together server

How to install mods on a Don’t Starve Together server

How to create token for a Don’t Starve Together server

How to become an admin of a Don’t Starve Together server

How to ban players on a Don’t Starve Together server

How to set custom world generation on a Don’t Starve Together server

How to enable caves on a Don’t Starve Together server

We hope that our intuitive web interface has allowed you to manage your Don’t Starve Together server easily. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Isabela

Support Engineer