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All console commands for a Project Zomboid server

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Project Zomboid is an engaging survival game set in a zombie apocalypse, which has gained popularity due to its realistic mechanics and open world. One of the key aspects of managing gameplay on a server is the ability to effectively use the available administrative commands. These commands allow the administrator to have full control over the server, enabling player management, game settings configuration, and much more. In this article, you will find a complete list of commands that you can use on your Project Zomboid server.

/addalltowhitelistExecuted, adds all currently password-connected players to the whitelist.
/additemSpawns an item for the selected user. How to use: /additem [Username] [Item] [Count]
Example: /additem Player1 Base.Shovel 5
/adduserAdds a new user to the whitelist. How to use: /adduser [Username] [Password]
Example: /adduser Player1 12345
/addusertowhitelistAdds a user connected with the password to the whitelist. How to use:
/addusertowhitelist [Username] Example: /addusertowhitelist Player1
/addvehicleSpawn a vehicle. How to use: /addvehicle [Vehicle] [Username/Coodrinates]
Example: /addvehicle Base.CarNormal Player1
/addxpGive experience points to a selected user. How to use: /addxp [Username] [Perkname=XP] Example: /addxp Player1 Cooking=1000
/alarmSound a building alarm at the Admin’s position (must be in a room).
/banidBan the selected user’s SteamID. How to use: /banid [SteamID]
Example: /banid 1234567890123456
/banuserBan a selected user (IP ban and reason are optional). How to use: /banuser [Username] -ip -r [Reason]
Example: /banuser Player1 -ip -r player kill
/changeoptionChange a server option. How to use: /changeoption [Option] [NewValue]
Example: /changeoption SleepAllowed false
/changepwdChanges your password. How to use: /changepwd [YourPassword] [NewPassword]
Example: /changepwd oldpassword newpassword
/checkModsNeedUpdateExecuted, indicates whether a mod has been updatedand writes an answer to a log file.
/chopperSummon helicopter event on a selected player. How to use: /chopper [Username]
Example: /chopper Player1
/createhordeSpawn a zombie horde near player. How to use: /spawnhorde [Count] [Username]
Example: /createhorde 1000 Player1
/godmodeMake the player invincible. How to use: /godmode [Username] [-true/-false]
Example: /godmode Player1 -true
/grantadminGives administrator rights to the selected user. How to use: /grantadmin [Username]
Example: /grantadmin Player1
/gunshotSummon gunshot sounds at a random player.
/helpOutputs list of admin commands.
/invisibleMake a player invisible for all zombies. How to use: /invisible [Username] [-true/-false] Example: /invisible Player1 -true
/kickuserKick a user (you can specify a reason by adding -r [Reason]). How to use: /kickuser [Username] -r [Reason] Example: /kickuser Player1 -r spam
/noclipMakes the selected player able to pass through walls and structures. How to use: /noclip [Username] [-true/-false] Example: /noclip Player1 -true
/playersList all players connected to your server.
/quitExecuted, save and shut down the server.
/releasesafehouseReleases a safehouse you own.
/reloadluaReloads a Lua script.
/reloadoptionsReloads server options.
/removeadminRemoves administrator rights from the selected user. How to use: /removeadmin [Username] Example: /removeadmin Player1
/removeuserfromwhitelistRemoves user from a whitelist. How to use: /removeuserfromwhitelist [Username]
Example: /removeuserfromwhitelist Player1
/replayRecords and play a replay for a moving player. How to use: /replay [Username] [-record/-play/-stop] [FileName] Example: /replay Player1 -stop test.bin
/saveSave current world.
/servermsgSends a message to all connected players. How to use: /servermsg [Message]
Example: /servermsg This is an example message.
/setaccesslevelSet access level of a player (available levels: admin, moderator, overseer, gm, observer). How to use: /setaccesslevel [Username] [Level] Example: /setaccesslevel Player1 admin
If you want to remove any access level, just use “none” instead of “[Level].
/showoptionsShows a list of current server settings.
/startrainCause rain on a server.
/stoprainStop rain on a server.
/teleportTeleport user(1) to another user(2). How to use: /teleport [Username(1)] [Username(2)]
Example: /teleport Player1 Player2
/teleporttoTeleport to selected coordinates. How to use: /teleportto [x,y,z]
Example: /teleportto 123000,123000,0
/unbanidUnban a selected user’s SteamID. How to use: /unbanid [SteamID]
Example: /unbanid 1234567890123456
/unbanuserUnban a selected user. How to use: /unbanuser [Username]
Example: /unbanuser Player1
/voicebanBlock voice from selected user. How to use: /voiceban [Username] [-true/-false]
Example: /voiceban Player1 -true
Project Zomboid commands list

We hope that our intuitive web interface has allowed you to check all available Project Zomboid commands. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Isabela

Support Engineer