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How to change difficulty on an Enshrouded server

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With the new update to Enshrouded, a crucial feature has been introduced: gameplay difficulty settings. You can now choose from five different difficulty levels, each bringing its own unique challenges. In our intuitive control panel, you’ll be able to select between modes such as Relaxed, Default, Hard, and Survival. Additionally, with the configuration file, you can set your own rules in the Custom mode. In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on how to change the difficulty on an Enshrouded server and describe all the variables available in Custom mode.

How to change difficulty

Changing the difficulty on an Enshrouded server only takes a few simple steps:

1. Go to the control panel and select Enshrouded server.

2. Go to the “Startup” and navigate “DIFFICULTY” option.

3. Select difficulty you want to use.

4. Go to the “Console” and restart your server.

How to change custom difficulty settings

If you want to use the custom difficulty option and set more than 30 server parameters yourself, follow these steps:

1. Go to the control panel and select Enshrouded server.

2. Go to the “Startup” and navigate “DIFFICULTY” option.

3. Set difficulty to “Custom”.

4. Access server files and open enshrouded_server.json file. Below “gameSettings” you will find over 30 different server settings. Set them using the table below.

4. Click “SAVE CONTENT” to save all changes.

5. Restart your server.

SettingVariableAvailable Values (Min – Max)Description
Enemy DamageenemyDamageFactor0.25 – 5Enemy damage multiplier.
Boss DamagebossDamageFactor0.2 – 5Boss damage multiplier.
Enemy HealthenemyHealthFactor0.25 – 4Enemy health multiplier.
Boss HealthbossHealthFactor0.2 – 5Boss health multiplier.
Enemy StaminaenemyStaminaFactor0.5 – 2Enemy stamina multiplier.
Enemy Perception RangeenemyPerceptionRangeFactor0.5 – 2Multiplier of the distance at which the player can be seen and heard by enemies.
Pacify EnemiespacifyAllEnemiestrue/falseIf true, enemies will not attack unless they are attacked.
Simultaneous Enemy AttacksaggroPoolAmountFew/Normal/Many/ExtremeSet how many enemies can attack at once.
Enemy Attack FrequencythreatBonus0.25 – 4Enemy attack rate multiplier.
Enemy Spawn AmountrandomSpawnerAmountFew/Normal/Many/ExtremeSet amount of enemies in the world.
Player HealthplayerHealthFactor0.25 – 4Player max health multiplier.
Player ManaplayerManaFactor0.25 – 4Player max mana multiplier.
Player StaminaplayerStaminaFactor0.25 – 4Player max stamina multiplier.
Mining XPexperienceMiningFactor0 – 2Multiplier of experience player get from mining resources.
Quest & Exploration XPexperienceExplorationQuestsFactor0.25 – 2Multiplier of experience player get from exploring and completing quests.
Combat XPexperienceCombatFactor0.25 – 2Multiplier of experience gained in combat.
Starvation ModeenableStarvingDebufftrue/falseSet whether to enable starvation.
Time Until StarvationfromHungerToStarving300000000000 – 1200000000000Set the length of hunger before starvation begins.
Time In The ShroudshroudTimeFactor0.5 – 2Multiplier for the length of time players can stay in the Shroud.
Loot Loss On DeathtombstoneModeAddBackpackMaterials/Everything/NoTombstoneSet what items a player will lose upon death.
Day DurationdayTimeDuration120000000000 – 3600000000000Duration of a day expressed in nanoseconds.
Night DurationnightTimeDuration120000000000 – 3600000000000Duration of a night expressed in nanoseconds.
Food Buff DurationfoodBuffDurationFactor0.5 – 2Food buff duration multiplier.
Weapon DurabilityenableDurabilitytrue/falseIf false, the weapon will no longer break.
Workshop Production SpeedfactoryProductionSpeedFactor0.25-2Item production time multiplier.
Plant Growth SpeedplantGrowthSpeedFactor0.25-2Plant growth speed rate multiplier.
Weapon Upgrade CostperkCostFactor0.25-2Multiplier for the amount of runes required to upgrade a weapon.
Weapon Upgrade Recycling YieldperkUpgradeRecyclingFactor0 – 1Multiplier for the amount of runes returned when recovering an upgraded weapon.
Mining DamageminingDamageFactor0.5 – 2Mining damage multiplier.
Loot AmountresourceDropStackAmountFactor0.25-2Multiplier for the amount of materials per loot stack.
Enshrouded Server Custom Settings

We hope that our intuitive web interface has allowed you to configure Enshrouded server easily. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Lukasz

Senior Data Developer