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How to kick and ban players on your Palworld server

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Kicking and banning players on the Palworld server is quite an important administrative tool that will help you keep order and kick problematic people. A kick is the expulsion of a player from the server, used more as a warning or an immediate solution to a problem. Unfortunately, such a problematic player who behaves inappropriately and disturbs other players may unfortunately return. In such a case, you must use a more drastic measure such as a ban. This type of punishment may be temporary or permanent, depending on the final decision of the administrator.

NOTE: Remember that in order to remove someone from the server, you need to know player’s Steam ID.

NOTE: If you want to join your Palworld server as an administrator, you must set an admin password on your server. Go to our control panel and select the “Startup” tab – enter admin password here. After changes, restart your server in the “Console” tab.

How to join Palworld server as an administrator:

  1. Connect your Palworld server
  2. Press “Enter” to open chat window
  3. Enter following command:
/AdminPassword <Your Server Password>

How to get a Steam ID:

  1. Join your Palworld server as an administrator
  2. Once you have joined the server, press the “Enter” button to open the chat window
  3. Enter following command to obtain Steam ID:

After entering the command, you should see a list of players and their Steam IDs.

How to kick players:

  1. Join your Palworld server as an administrator
  2. Open the chat window by pressing the “Enter” button
  3. Enter the command that will kick the player from the Palworld server:
/KickPlayer <Player's Steam ID>

How to ban players:

  1. Join the Palworld server as an administrator
  2. Open the chat window by pressing the “Enter” button
  3. Enter the command that will ban the player:
/BanPlayer <Player's Steam ID>

How to unban players:

  1. Go to our control panel and select the “Files” tab to access the server files
  2. Follow this path to open the file banlist.txt: /home/container/Pal/Saved/SaveGames/banlist.txt
  3. Remove banned player’s Steam ID and save changes
  4. Navigate “Console” tab and select “Restart” button to restart your Palworld server

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About Isabela

Support Engineer