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How to change map rotation on a Mordhau server

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Map rotation on a Mordhau server is a mechanism for managing the sequence of maps played during a game session. It allows server administrators to determine which maps will be loaded consecutively, ensuring gameplay variety and keeping players engaged. In this guide, we will explain step by step how to configure map rotation on your Mordhau server to achieve optimal settings for your gaming community.

How to setup map rotation

1. Go to the game server panel.

2. Navigate server files (“Files” tab).

3. Follow this path:


4. Once you have opened Game.ini file, navigate following section:


5. At the end of the above section you will find a line called “Map Rotation”=[MapName], which determines what map will be launched after the default one is finished. To set map rotation with a specific number of maps, paste the appropriate number of lines as below:


In the example below, map rotation consists of three maps:

6. Click SAVE CONTENT” to save all changes.

7. Navigate “Console” tab and click “Restart” to restart your server.

List of map names you can use when setting map rotation:

  • FL_Camp
  • INV_Camp_1
  • SKM_Camp
  • SKM_Camp_64
  • TDM_Camp
  • TDM_Camp_64
  • FFA_Camp
  • HRD_Camp
  • SG_Camp
  • FL_Grad
  • INV_Grad_1
  • INV_Grad_0
  • SKM_Grad
  • SKM_Grad_64
  • TDM_Grad
  • FFA_Grad
  • HRD_Grad
  • BR_Grad
  • FL_Taiga
  • INV_Taiga_0
  • SKM_Taiga
  • SKM_Taiga_64
  • TDM_Taiga
  • TDM_Taiga_64
  • FFA_Taiga
  • HRD_Taiga
  • BR_Taiga
  • FL_MountainPeak
  • INV_MountainPeak_1
  • SKM_MountainPeak
  • SKM_MountainPeak_64
  • TDM_MountainPeak
  • TDM_MountainPeak_64
  • FFA_MountainPeak
  • HRD_MountainPeak
  • FL_Crossroads
  • INV_Crossroads_0
  • HRD_Crossroads
  • SKM_Crossroads
  • TDM_Crossroads
  • FFA_Crossroads
  • FL_Feitoria
  • INV_Feitoria_0
  • SKM_Feitoria
  • SKM_Feitoria_64
  • TDM_Feitoria
  • TDM_Feitoria_64
  • FFA_Feitoria
  • FFA_Feitoria_64
  • HRD_Feitoria
  • BR_Feitoria
  • INV_Castello_0
  • SKM_Castello
  • SKM_Castello_64
  • TDM_Castello
  • FFA_Castello
  • FFA_Castello_64
  • HRD_Castello
  • FL_Noria
  • SKM_Noria
  • TDM_Noria
  • FFA_Noria
  • INV_Noria_1
  • HRD_Noria
  • INV_Dungeon
  • FL_Dungeon
  • SKM_Dungeon
  • FFA_Dungeon
  • HRD_Dungeon
  • SKM_Contraband
  • TDM_Contraband
  • FFA_Contraband
  • DU_Contraband
  • SKM_ThePit
  • TDM_ThePit
  • FFA_ThePit
  • SKM_Tourney
  • TDM_Tourney
  • FFA_Tourney
  • DU_Tourney
  • SKM_Arena
  • TDM_Arena
  • FFA_Arena
  • DU_Arena
  • TF_Arena
  • SKM_Truce
  • TDM_Truce
  • FFA_Truce
  • DU_Truce
  • TF_Truce
  • SKM_Highlands
  • TDM_Highlands
  • FFA_Highlands
  • DU_Highlands
  • TF_Highlands
  • TF_Cortile
  • DU_Cortile
  • SKM_Cortile
  • TDM_Cortile
  • FFA_Cortile
  • DIH_MountainPeak
  • DIH_Castello
  • DIH_Totenwald

We hope that our intuitive guide helped you configure Mordhau server. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Isabela

Support Engineer