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How to become an admin on a Mordhau server

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Becoming an admin on a Mordhau server allows you to manage gameplay and input various console commands. To gain administrator privileges, you need to set a password in the server panel and enter the appropriate command in the console. After completing these steps, you’ll be able to use a range of commands that let you control different aspects of the game, such as adding bots, changing maps, and more. Additionally, you will have the ability to manage players, including kicking and banning them when necessary. In this article, you will learn how to set the admin password on a Mordhau server, how to join the game as an administrator, and find a complete list of available commands.


How to set an admin password

1. Go to the game server panel and select your Mordhau server.

2. Navigate “Startup” tab and “ADMIN PASSWORD” variable. Here, enter your admin password.

3. Go to the “Console” tab and click “Restart” to restart your Mordhau server.

How to become an admin

Once you have set an administrator password, you can join the game as an administrator:

1. Launch Mordhau game and join your server.

If you don’t know how to join your server, check out our intuitive guide.

2. Press “~” to open the console.

3. Type in following command to become an admin:

AdminLogin <YourPassword>

Full list of admin commands

adminlogin <adminpassword>Logs you as an administrator.
adminlistShows list of all administrators.
adminadd <SteamID>Adds a new administrator.
removeadmin <SteamID>Removes an administrator.
kick <username/SteamID>Kicks a player.
ban <username/SteamID>Bans a player.
banlistShows list of all banned players.
addbots <number>Adds specified number of bots.
changelevel <mapname>Changes a map.
restartlevelRestarts current level.
disconnectDisconnects you from the server.
exitExits the game.
demorec <name>Starts recording a demo with a given name.
demostopStops a demo recording.
demoplay <name>Plays back a recorded demo.
PlayersOnlyFreezes all bots.
slomo <value>Adjusts the game speed.
ChangeSize <value>Changes the size of your character.
m.showcrosshair 0Disables the crosshair.
m.inverseattackdirection 2Inverts the attack direction.
Stat FPSDisplays the FPS counter.
Mordhau admin command list

We hope that our intuitive web interface has allowed you to manage your Mordhau server easily. If you want to ask us any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, ticket or live chat!

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About Isabela

Support Engineer